Wednesday 19 April 2017

Everlasting Journey - Opening 2 minutes (Final video and blurb)

This is our final version of our opening two minutes.
Tick... Tick... Tick... The Countdown begins...
Finally the weekend! A group of friends head up to London in search of a good time. But it seems someone else has decided to come along for the journey...

Tuesday 18 April 2017

Acting on our targets

Special Effects:

We decided that we wanted to act upon our targets for next year early, by researching into our targets. One of our targets was to develop our use of special effects. Below is a link to the website that we tried out. The videos were really useful in describing how to add special effects and we now feel confident that we will be able to use this technique next year.


We realised that the quality of our dialogue wasn't clear so for next year we are going to use a microphone to make our quality better. Having read lots of reviews, we decided that the most affordable, still with good quality was:*PLA+Shop+-+All+Products&utm_medium=vertical_search&network=google&adgroup=**All+Products&merchant_id=1279443&product_id=83225d1&product_country=GB&product_partition_id=41477300408&gclid=CPiHkvbdxNMCFcIp0wod_qoBhg


We will experiment with more camera angles and shots between now and next year to make sure our work is unique and our style is identifiable.

Monday 17 April 2017

Changes to script

As a group, we decided that we should explain the slight change in our script and the lack of dialogue that we had in our final film. Essentially, we felt as a team that our film linked more to the horror genre when it didn't have the subjectively 'cringey' dialogue that we had included. Although this may have created a slight disconnection from the audience due to their being no conversation, we feel that it reinforced the horror genre.

This therefore means that our final changes to the script include no dialogue and a change to the shots, which can be seen in the uploaded shot list.