Tuesday 20 September 2016

Genre conventions table


Genre Conventions Narrative and characters:
Genre Conventions:
Micro elements (sound, mise-en-scene etc)

        Film Examples


Chase scenes, villain and hero, conflict, fight scenes, explosions
Guns, gadgets, iconic settings such as, London, New York (cities)
James Bond
Jason Bourne
Dark Knight Rises


Supernatural, ghosts, victims. Vulnerable women and children, murderer, villain and hero, heroine, enigma codes,
isolated settings – houses, hospitals 
blood, masks, graveyards, shadows and dark lighting, tense eerie music (non-diegetic sound)
The Others
The Ring
The Conjuring
Texas Chainsaw
The Blair Witch Project


Boy meets girl, love and break-ups, obstacles couples have to overcome,
cities, slow romantic music, candles, romantic realistic settings to create realism
The Notebook
The Fault in our Stars
 Love Actually


A idiotic character who is often clumsy, Social situations eg. With friends, Dialogue is clear between characters
Bright lighting, Often set in High schools, pubs or houses, Camera is used so that no one in the shot is superior to the other characters
American Pie
Forest Gump
Bridget Jones


Believable character whilst the situation seems to be unrealistic, Character has a hidden skill or talent, fast paced, fight scenes
Fast music, strange settings (eg desert, jungle, isolation), whips, magic wands
Harry Potter
The Lord of the Rings
Indiana Jones

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