Saturday 29 October 2016

Opening film analysis of fright night - 2011

Fright night opening film analysis

Analysed the first 2 minutes.
Fright night opens with a close up shot of a tv playing some sort of tv advert for a horror programme which is ironically called ‘Fright night’ this is combined with the diegetic sound of the voice over on the tv illustrating about the show, the shot slowly zooms out to show a wide angle shot of a modern living room area, with the stereotypical lamps, chairs, photo frames and coffee table. The shot also reveals a dog standing on the coffee table eating some sort of leftover food, a non-diegetic sound of thunder leads the camera to pan to the left showing the rest of the room until it focuses on a white door slightly opened. The camera
then flips back to show a medium shot of the dog now looking at the door, this is combined with the enhanced diegetic sound of his heaving panting. It goes silent for a second before the camera switches back to show a young male character being thrown out of the white door with additional sound effects eg. Crashing and bashing sounds for his abrupt landing. This most likely makes the audience jump as they didn’t expect this to happen. 

The camera then switches back to the white door but this time shows another character's arm flopping down before it changes back to a medium shot of the male character looking into the room in disgust as he witnesses some sort of creature eat this character. This
is combined with the diegetic sound of the creature chomping and crunching. This reveals some enigma codes for the audience as they want to know what’s going on and what this creature that is eating a human is. The camera then flips to a long shot of the character running away from the white door and
towards the dog before he trips and falls. This trip and fall is very cliché in a horror film. A medium shot is then used to show the character running of screen and the dog running off through the cat flap. Whilst this is going on
there is repeated non diegetic sounds of thunder and cries from the creature and low key lighting and dark tones to make the atmosphere scarier. An over the shoulder shot from the male character's perspective reveals a dead female character lying on a bed covered in blood, the director chose to make her outfit white and the sheets on the bed white so it would highlight the blood being used and shock the audience.
The camera then flips back to a close up shot of the male character once again, this shot doesn’t just show how sweaty he looks it also shows the fear in his eyes. A short tracking shot is then used to show the male character climb underneath the bed, avoiding another male victim's body pouring with blood. A medium shot of the side of the mattress shows the male character using his hands to reach for a gun, as he's fiddling with the gun the camera switches to a bird's eye view shot to show the female victim’s body still on the bed, the male victim's body still on the floor and the male characters head poking out looking around and also searching in the male victims pockets. A close up shot reveals the male character trying to put some sort of key into the gun.              

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