Wednesday 12 October 2016

The amazing spider man 2 opening film analysis - 2014

The amazing spider man 2 opening film analysis

Analysed the first 2 minutes
The amazing spider man 2 opens with a non-diegetic sound of a church bell ringing combined with upbeat action music, whilst the audience sees a black screen with a red spider on it fade into a tracking shot of the character falling from the sky. It then switches from a number of high and low angle shots to show the character breezing and flipping through the air magically using web shooters to swing from building to building. The music continues with a combined sound of the main character screaming with joy and some off screen sounds of the cars honking and moving in the city of New York. The audience then see a point of view shot where the character is flying through the air, very unrealistically, this is merged with swooshing sounds which would have been enhanced to create more tension and excitement for the audience. The camera then swaps to a long shot to show the character using the web shooters from his hands to swing from building to building. This intense and exciting first 40 seconds highlight that this film links to the genre of Action and Adventure. The camera then switches to a wide shot to show a helicopter following Spiderman through the city for a brief second combined with the diegetic sound of the helicopter and the continued non diegetic background music. It then shows a low angle shot of spider man flying down almost towards the camera, this shows his power and dominance in the scene already.  Whilst this is happening there is a voice over off some sort of news report stating how there is a police chase going on.  
A wide angled shot shows a large van crashing and exterminating through a set of cars and pieces of rubble going everywhere with additional enhanced diegetic sounds of the cars smashing into one another and glass hitting the floor. The camera shifts to a close up of a bald character, dressed in black and wearing gold chains around his fingers and neck with a distinctive tattoo across his forehead driving the van aggressively shouting and laughing. This character meets the description for a stereotypical convict/ prisoner. The camera pans up the vehicle with enhanced sounds of the car zooming through the busy traffic streets. The audience then sees 3 short shots of men dressed in all black carrying guns running across the roofs of the moving vehicles. It then shifts back to show a close up shot of the driver once again however this time his emotions show more infuriation and hatred as he pursues to carry on driving recklessly. We then see a wide angled shot of the van crashing through two police cars and an extreme close up shot of the front wheel driving over the police car, smashing through the windows and ultimately crushing the car. During this there is a mixture of enhanced diegetic and non-diegetic sounds of glass smashing, tires screeching and cars honking.

The camera then switches back to Spiderman where it shows him once again flying through the air and swinging from building to building however this time the camera follows him in a slow motion to focus on his presence it also highlights to the audience that he is going to be a crucial part of this film. This is combined with an off screen sound of a civilian shouting “Spider man” in a relived way as he is hopefully there to help. It then shows a wide shot of Spiderman sitting in the villain’s window talking to him sarcastically about how he is going to save the day.     

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