Friday 18 November 2016

Location research - Iconic places in London

Iconic locations in London:


Southbank Skating
o   The graffiti makes the area look ‘dodgy’
o   The dark corners would create good shadows
o   The shadows created would mean we can use torch lighting
o   Other people would be in the area
o   We would have to go up to the location and it would be dark so not everything would be seen
o   The lighting may not always be correct, as it get dark quickly

From researching Southbank and its skating area, it is clear to see that this would work for our setting as there are many dark places for people to hide, these dark places are conventions of horror films. The graffiti on the walls make it look a ‘dodgy’ place as it looks like its abandoned and old. In the dark, if torches are used, a shadowed figure could be seen with the graffiti in the background creating a mysterious and tense effect.

St Paul's Cathedral:

St Paul's Cathedral
o   As it’s very open around, the audience wouldn’t believe anything bad could happen.
o   The audience would recognise the area
o   Very busy, so other people would be in our shot (Could be an advantage)
o   Wouldn’t be allowed to film inside

St Paul cathedral could be potential setting due to the old building of St Paul's and as it can be busy, you wouldn’t expect many horrible things to occur. Obviously we wouldn’t be able to film inside however the surrounding areas could be potential. The dome from the cathedral could be the iconic spot which the audience could relate to. The historic cathedral would have many stories that we could also research into which we could use as part of our story line. It is said that the iconic cathedral is haunted by ghosts, this could be our horror part of this setting.



Museum of London:

Museum of London
o   Has dark corners
o   The lighting could be good with little beams
o   Easy to get to
o   People may be around and we need an isolated area
o   Far away

The museum of London could be an interesting setting, as from pictures and from experiencing it myself, the area surrounding it is slightly run down and quite grey and brown in colour. It’s not too far from St Paul's therefore, if we decide to film in both of these places and use these as our settings then it will be easy access. Obviously, we would have to only film in the surrounding areas we wouldn’t be able to get consent from the museum to film inside, but also, the inside wouldn’t complement our film genre.

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