Friday 18 November 2016

Location research - Parks

Parks was one of the suggested places as to where we should locate the opening 2 minutes of our horror film. Parks would be a good place to use because there easily accessible and are often large places with a mix of facilities within. As we choose to use a group of teenagers as our main characters, a park would be a suited environment as you would typically see teenagers hanging around in parks, this would link nicely with our idea of involving underage drinking because it is a hidden environment where often things like this go on in other films. Below will be some research into possible parks we could use.

Auriol park:

Auriol Park is situated off Salisbury Road in Worcester Park and closes half an hour before sunset and re opens at 8 am Monday to Friday. The facilities within the park include two tennis courts, 5 football pitches in various size, children's playground, bowling green and a multi-use games area. This would be an ideal location for our film because it is a large space and is very close to where the people in our group live, so if the weather would affect filming we could leave and come back with no hassle. Some disadvantages of this location is it is quite open and there could be some interferences from the public, also it doesn't stay open to late so would be hard to make it look dramatic and scary.

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